Well, I have been without cable for a year and a half now 😢 , and this has lead me to try to find redeeming value in broadcast TV. I have just expanded my channel selection, via a series of minor adjustments to the rabbit ears, to include PBS. (the digital converter box blows, btw. It cut down on the number of stations I get!) This got me to thinking about the shows I have watched over the years on PBS, and the ones that are my favorites. I figured, what the hell, It's a different topic to discuss, so I will pose the question: What have been your favorite PBS programs over the years? For me, This Old House comes to mind (I have watched it since I was 10) and "The Joy of Painting" with Bob Ross... (remember the "happy little trees"?). I also like Nova and Scientific American Frontiers. And who can forget the nutty Jack Horkheimer and whatever that odd astronomy show was? OK... I admit it... I am really bored... Anyhow, what are yours?