So, Yesterday morning I get in the Magnum to drive to work. She didn't want to start and when she finally does, I've got about every warning light on in the dash and worse, no gas pedal! Stupid electric-motor controlled throttle!! Sun finally comes up and there's about a six inch section of the main engine wiring harness *chewed* right out and laying on the ground. Between Sat. morning and then something decided to eat the Maggie's wiring. Dunno if I've been more pissed. I'm not even gonna tell you what a new wiring harness costs. Lets just say my Comp deductible is coming in handy. Of course nobody around here has one, so its gotta come in from the far ends of the earth. What sucks is that if this thing had a "normal" accelerator cable I probably could have driven it, but it only runs at idle now... so at least I can move it back and forth
So the only other vehicle I can drive is my brother-in-law's '90 Chevy Truck that's basically ours for the time being. Problem with it is the gas tank is full of crap. No problem! I'll just pull the (nearly full) tank and drain it, right? Sure! in between tornadic thunderstorms in the rain. :evil: Then I get her all back together and I either didn't tighten one of the fuel pump fittings all the way or worse cross threaded it and its leaking over the tank. F___ it!!! (for now) so now I've got a big tub of contaminated gas sitting in the yard I have to strain out and buy cans least the lawnmower is taken care of for a while!
Well, this morning I get the GP out of storage and change the oil and prepare to spend buku $ on gas driving her back and forth to work the next few days. Oh, and more big Oklahoma hail-producing spring storms on the way tomorrow so I have to tell the guys here to make room in one of the shop buildings that I can drive into when the hail starts falling. At least she fired up and made the trip (55mi one way) OK, so far. (crosses fingers)
Let's just say I've had better Mondays!!! Had to vent! I'm sure you all have had similar head-bashing car situations! 😀
So the only other vehicle I can drive is my brother-in-law's '90 Chevy Truck that's basically ours for the time being. Problem with it is the gas tank is full of crap. No problem! I'll just pull the (nearly full) tank and drain it, right? Sure! in between tornadic thunderstorms in the rain. :evil: Then I get her all back together and I either didn't tighten one of the fuel pump fittings all the way or worse cross threaded it and its leaking over the tank. F___ it!!! (for now) so now I've got a big tub of contaminated gas sitting in the yard I have to strain out and buy cans least the lawnmower is taken care of for a while!
Well, this morning I get the GP out of storage and change the oil and prepare to spend buku $ on gas driving her back and forth to work the next few days. Oh, and more big Oklahoma hail-producing spring storms on the way tomorrow so I have to tell the guys here to make room in one of the shop buildings that I can drive into when the hail starts falling. At least she fired up and made the trip (55mi one way) OK, so far. (crosses fingers)
Let's just say I've had better Mondays!!! Had to vent! I'm sure you all have had similar head-bashing car situations! 😀