What great people from the automotive world do you look up to or admire? For me it would be (in no particular order):
Yutaka Katayama- First President of Nissan North America, father of the Z car and 510. A true maverick in a conformist Japanese business culture.
Soichiro Honda- Founder of Honda Motor Corp, and one of the most amazing engineering minds ever to walk the face of the Earth. Also a maverick. Worked with a philosophy that the individual was more important than the corporation.
Hans Ledwinka- Designer of the Tatra, a revolutionary sedan from Czechoslovakia. Air Cooled Rear mount Hemi, anyone?
Abner Doble-Great engineer, lousy businessman. Worked with steam cars.
Smokey Yunick- Proprietor of "The Best Damned Garage in Town".That town was, of course, Daytona Beach Florida. Father of many racing car technologies we take for granted today, he did work in NASCAR, drag and road racing as well as development work for all of the Big 3.
Yutaka Katayama- First President of Nissan North America, father of the Z car and 510. A true maverick in a conformist Japanese business culture.
Soichiro Honda- Founder of Honda Motor Corp, and one of the most amazing engineering minds ever to walk the face of the Earth. Also a maverick. Worked with a philosophy that the individual was more important than the corporation.
Hans Ledwinka- Designer of the Tatra, a revolutionary sedan from Czechoslovakia. Air Cooled Rear mount Hemi, anyone?
Abner Doble-Great engineer, lousy businessman. Worked with steam cars.
Smokey Yunick- Proprietor of "The Best Damned Garage in Town".That town was, of course, Daytona Beach Florida. Father of many racing car technologies we take for granted today, he did work in NASCAR, drag and road racing as well as development work for all of the Big 3.