So, here's today's off the wall question: What unusual stuff have you bought on E-bay? I don't know, maybe it's me, but when I have an odd idea or subject I am researching, I find E-Bay to be one of the cheapest and easiest sources for those items, and also to lead me in other directions I would not have thought of. Sure I buy car stuff there, but for a hobbyist that really is not unusual. But the oddities I have bought are things like Geiger counters (radiation meters) from US civil defense fallout shelters, breadboards to build electronic projects, automobilia from former communist auto makers, broken Apple iPods, cell phone accessories (MUCH cheaper than at a store!), spudgers, and tonight I got a shortwave radio from China for $12.(had a good week, and could afford a new luxury.) I also was directed to research using a metal Slinky as an antenna for it, and plan to do so when I get the thing. I am also still looking for a nice toy model of a unique Soviet block car, possibly a Warsaw Pact NBC gas mask, or even some sort of poster from a USSR communist political rally for the sake of irony. (I am starting to collect Cold War memorabilia, and things that tell the story of the culture of the other side.) So, anyhow, now that I have revealed some of my quirky purchases and search terms, what are yours?