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Master Mechanic
Sep 17, 2010
Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Anybody know if the front windshield in a '79 LeMans coupe is the same as a Malibu coupe one? I'm pretty sure they are but I wanted a second opinion. Cut mine out today (stripping the car for body and paint) and I was all proud that I did it without breaking it, then in a total dumbass move I tried to carry it long ways instead of top and bottom and the pressure from the curve in it caused it to crack in about 4 places. Talk about a letdown lol! Live and learn I guess....
Wildmani said:
Anybody know if the front windshield in a '79 LeMans coupe is the same as a Malibu coupe one? I'm pretty sure they are but I wanted a second opinion. Cut mine out today (stripping the car for body and paint) and I was all proud that I did it without breaking it, then in a total dumbass move I tried to carry it long ways instead of top and bottom and the pressure from the curve in it caused it to crack in about 4 places. Talk about a letdown lol! Live and learn I guess....

Yes it is the same. How did you remove the windshield in the first place? What technique did you use?
The reason I ask is because I also recently cracked mine and it needs to replaced. I'm thinking about removing and installing it myself.
Great thanks! It was actually really easy (mind you I have my interior completely stripped out). With all of the interior trim and the dash out I just used a utility knife and cut through the sealer all around the window from the inside and slowly worked it out. If you have a windshield antenna you need to be careful around the wire at the bottom (for obvious reasons). If your interior isn't out I'm pretty sure you can buy a knife that has a blade that's curved at the end and go from the outside ( I know I've seen them somewhere) but you'd need to be real careful not to scratch the paint. Along the bottom you can actually cut through from the outside but without cutting all the way around it would be extremely difficult to get it out successfully. I also had the advantage of the fact that my garage had been closed all day and it was hot in there so the sealer was tackier. I'd imagine that the cooler it is the more brittle everything would be. It's definetely not a clean job either, that sealer sticks to everything lol! I just really wish I'd have been more careful after the removal, lesson learned lol!
They do not make a windshield for your Lemans or my Grand Am. They do manufacture the windshield for the Malibu though, and as Longroof79 stated, they are the same.
As far as removing the windshield, they key is to use the curved blade and cut between the rubber and the windshield. Don't try to cut through the rubber. You can also pour in a little thinner or kerosene to loosen the bond of the rubber to the windshield.
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