So, how's by you?

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Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
Yesterday, August 38th, it hit 97º here in NYC and the humidity is awful. I don't know about you but I can't deal with that and work on a car. Worse, the Ocean water is 76º and the fishing sucks. The skeeters are taking over. A cold beer only goes so far. I'm sure it is even hotter elsewhere. What do you do to cope?


Rocket Powered Basset Hound
Oct 14, 2008
Gainesville, Fl
Sounds like a pool would come in handy about now...even a kiddie pool for that matter. I remember some of those hot oppressive days up in relief and no a/c at the time.
I heard it was supposed to break by the weekend. I know what you mean about those skeeters. Man, you can stay still too long, they'll swarm over any exposed skin. They're freakin' relentless.
Hang in there buddy.


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
I am one of those people who can deal with hot temperatures. I like walking out of the house on a sizzling day to smell the tar in the roads. I worked building homes when I lived in Florida and could work all day long in the heat as long as I have water to drink. I worked on test aircraft in Mojave desert and although there is virtually no humidity there it was nice and hot. We'd get written up if we were not wearing gloves with working on the aircraft. The skin on the aircraft was hot enough to fry eggs real quick. Give me heat all year round and I'm in paradise. The border between the US and Canada should have been north to south, not east to west or better yet get rid of the border all together. Then I could live in a climate I enjoy and not have to live in a climate I dislike.

V8 Rumble

Royal Smart Person
Jan 7, 2010
I am one of those people who can deal with hot temperatures. I like walking out of the house on a sizzling day to smell the tar in the roads. I worked building homes when I lived in Florida and could work all day long in the heat as long as I have water to drink. I worked on test aircraft in Mojave desert and although there is virtually no humidity there it was nice and hot. We'd get written up if we were not wearing gloves with working on the aircraft. The skin on the aircraft was hot enough to fry eggs real quick. Give me heat all year round and I'm in paradise. The border between the US and Canada should have been north to south, not east to west or better yet get rid of the border all together. Then I could live in a climate I enjoy and not have to live in a climate I dislike.

What got you back to CA?


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
What got you back to CA?

I was deported, for the second time...:(

I spent time in the Manatee County Stockade, Krome and OPP in New Orleans all for immigration stuff and Land O' Lakes Detentions Center for assaulting a US Marshal and grand left auto, those charges were thrown out. I bounced in a couple of clubs in Brandon Florida and that got me noticed by the local cops. I got an unwelcomed reputation when a few of the so called tough people thought they would have some fun with me. I trained in the gym of a few of my friends were profession boxers, and I had the opportunity to get int he ring for some fun with Jimmy Young who was the trainer for one of my friends who was the junior middle weight world champ. Actually Jimmy had fun with me...hahaha

V8 Rumble

Royal Smart Person
Jan 7, 2010
I was deported, for the second time...:(

I spent time in the Manatee County Stockade, Krome and OPP in New Orleans all for immigration stuff and Land O' Lakes Detentions Center for assaulting a US Marshal and grand left auto, those charges were thrown out. I bounced in a couple of clubs in Brandon Florida and that got me noticed by the local cops. I got an unwelcomed reputation when a few of the so called tough people thought they would have some fun with me. I trained in the gym of a few of my friends were profession boxers, and I had the opportunity to get int he ring for some fun with Jimmy Young who was the trainer for one of my friends who was the junior middle weight world champ. Actually Jimmy had fun with me...hahaha

You didn't go quiet lol. It seems you liked the warm weather states of the southeast.

In a short while we'll be getting the cooler weather in our northern regions.


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
I really liked living in Florida, the people are nice to deal with and it's cheaper to live there. My main entertainment was walking into the Gulf with my scuba equipment and enjoying the quietness of being in the water for 20 or so minutes....if a shark showed up my air was done well before 20 minutes....
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Master Mechanic
Feb 16, 2014
western PA
I spent this little heat wave installing shingles on a roof with no shade and very little breeze with full sun...


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
I spent this little heat wave installing shingles on a roof with no shade and very little breeze with full sun...

I would take salt tablets on hot days to prevent cramps, then beer after the day was done to wash out the salt...:D
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