What makes YOU mad as hell when driving?

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Comic Book Super Hero
Nov 4, 2010
Bellevue, Ohio
efigp83 said:
Are turn signals an option on cars now adays??
^^^This is what grinds my gears! I was following some b*tch and she slowed down real quick WITH NO TURN SIGNAL on a pretty busy road so I went to pass her. Just as I get to next to her I realize she's turning left and luckily she realized I was there and stopped. There is no excuse for not using turn signals PERIOD!


Royal Smart Person
Apr 8, 2007
des plaines, il
out here if yer car is worth over 40k signals are optional, but driving with yer signal on for 10 miles is for everyone. also people who like to block a lane of traffic to turn left into a buisness or drive way instead of using the GIANT *ss MEDIAN. its a turn lane, use it. also its a MUST that you stick yer front end out at least 5 feet into my lane so i can let you in. and women in big suv's on there cell phones riding my *ss when im going 5 over the limit. and if you have your hazards on that means i can do anything, like drive down the road at the speed limit as if nothing is wrong, or drive in the fast lane with a flat tire, or block a whole lane and not get out and push the car out of traffic when yer right at the entrance of a super market. where i live there are alot of indians and koreans and elderly people. now im not racist but they make the sterotypes too easy. the best thing ever is when im driving my saturn to work, the street widens from 2 lanes to 3. so i merge to the right lane that is the 3rd lane and drive 40 mph the speed limit. now from there its 2 blocks to the intersection i have to turn right. im driving along and this korean guy inna black acura is to my left and in front. he starts to mergeinto my lane and then puts his signal on. now hes merging slow and i honk my air horn to let him know "hey im here". he doesnt even turn his head or flinch, instead he keeps merging. now his back tire is even with my front tire and i lay on the horn as hes about to hit me and he keeps merging till he hits me and then i say **** it and pit him. he spins around 180º's and ends upon the right curb, as i continued to drive my merry lil *ss to werk. i know that was a dick move, but if i wanna chang lanes, i look behind me to check my blind spot, signal, then merge. wtf is sooo hard about turning yer head to check yer blind spot? i will admit that i dont tailgate, im drafting... well only people who like to do 5 under the speed limit and people who have "student driver" or " beginner driver" in their back window made on college rule paper. that seems to be an indian thing. people who are on the phone here in cook county while driveing is so bad the theres a $25 ticket if ya get pulled over doing it. plus $160 "court fees". if i had a nickle for every time i saw some douch on there fone not paying attention to the road id be rich. ok now that thats off my chest i need to find some old mailbu police car ram bars for my elky... :twisted:


Royal Smart Person
Mar 25, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
Don't even get me started! All im gonna say is most drivers have no idea what is going on around them or have no respect for other people on the road.


Royal Smart Person
Mar 20, 2008
What makes YOU mad as hell when driving?:

Dumbasses make me mad. like the lady who rear ended me in my cutlass at a stop sign, and the guy who take up 2 turning lanes on a turn and almost ran me off the road this year. I wish i had an exo-cage on my car sometimes so i could wreckk the sh*t out of dumb peoples cars. Common sense isnt to common...

Rant. over.


Aug 7, 2011
Hudson, NY
I hate people that can't stay in the lane on offramps. There are several offramps that I frequent often enough, and when following people they always go to the right of the white line, which most times is uneventful, but I have seen at least twice where 1 a vehicle or motorcycle was pulled off the side because of vehicle trouble, and were almost plowed into by the vehicles ahead of me, and 2 a Police officer had a bigger truck pulled over, or the vehicle was broke down, and the officer was almost hit by the vehicles in front of me.

Oh Yeah i forgot to add when the vehicle in front of you is doing way less than the posted speed limit on a no passing zone, then when you can pass them they speed up until you get to the point where you can't pass them, then they slow down again.


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
Thank's Oldsmoletick, I should have clarified. Peter, being in NYC, there is ALWAYS several cars at a 4-way stop. So we stop and proceed counter clockwise. Except for the dork who races up to the stop sign, barely slows down, and blasts right through! And I hate passengers that insist I blow my horn at every female they see. My ex-buddy used to reach over and try to hit my horn while watching the girl, yanking my steering wheel like a yutz. The last time he tried it I karate chopped his wrist and he howled like a banshee. He doesn't do that anymore.......


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
And let's not forget the tools that roar up behind you, tailgating, flashing the high beams, usually in a mega-buck Teutonic status symbol, like they have to be in Istanbul before dark and YOU are costing them time and time is money baby. I was following an unmarked HIGHWAY PATROL car doing about 20 over the limit in the fast lane and this slimy little weasel in a BMW runs up my *ss flashing the high beams. I move over, he blows past, and tailgates the cop, flashing the high beams. Cop moves over, weasel passes the cop, cop hits the lights and yanks his *ss right over. PRICELESS!

Dr. Rudy

Mar 19, 2011
hey now bonnewagon not all bmw drivers are dicks, just the ones who think because it has a bmw symbol on the front makes it important.
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