Feather carbon

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Aug 11, 2021
Has any one delt with feathercarbon.com I ordered a hood from him in may. I havent got the hood it is now august ! and now he’s not returning my call.At one point I was calling him once a month for an update . he told me by summer! after talking to him and now summer has past and I’m getting ignored ! I did a review search and it seems like he does this a lot and he is a scam alert feather carbon in Suffolk,va THE WORSE COMMUNICATION IVE EVER DELT WITH


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
Oh the irony! :sneaky:

Unfortunately, there are a-hole vendors that do this and for some inexplicable reason think their actions won't affect their bottom line. It's good to report those things. What's interesting is you'll find 40 other people that will chime in and say how great and cool he is at the same time, even in the face of hundreds of pieces of evidence to the contrary. Makes you wonder where these bozos get their business acumen.

Before you plunk down big $$ on ANY vendor, ask around or check any reviews. You'd do it if it were the 1970s, or 80s. I sure did. If a vendor is known for screwing people, that news gets around fast.

If he already has your money, by law, the FCC rules state that he's supposed to get the product to you in 30 days, or if not, give you options of a refund or you agree to a new ship date. "Summer" is not a date. If you don't agree to an extension, then he must refund your money. You've probably waited too long for a chargeback on the credit card. But perhaps you can ask. Vendors HATE chargebacks.

Too many people let these butt-munches off too easy. Today it's the magical words "Covid has us backed up" and then just sit there and do nothing. May be. But the FCC rule still applies. It is there to prevent vendors, or even fake vendors, from running ponzi schemes, or ripoff schemes. Decent vendors who understand this often state they don't charge your card until it ships. Which some can do to avoid having to refund backorders that have gone too long. Then they can backorder stuff indefinitely and unless YOU cancel the order, they'll charge your card when it comes in even if you forget about it.

Here's some posts from yellowbullet.com (where the weak are killed and eaten- what an ominous tagline.) which aren't pretty. Those guys are heavy hitters there and And they're from 2014!!! Does this Thomas guy still own it? If so, he's a one-man show and those usually don't survive if they start to get any volume. Orders get behind and then business goes away.

From 2016 (story sounds familiar?):

From 2012:

No real need to go on. And that was just ONE forum. As you can see, this clown has a poor, no, wait, VERY poor track record. And it's been going on for YEARS.

Good luck.


Aug 11, 2021
Thank god I used PayPal so I placed a claim to get my money back and after weeks of calling once he got contacted by PayPal now he answers the phone I ask for a refund so he said he would give it to me like he had a choice smfh crazy part is he lied last month and said he was putting the finishing touches and it be ready in a month
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