PSA: Sad. Interwebs Fighting. Just. Don't.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
I don't mind a good internet spat every now and again. I've had a few myself. They happen. But I've also learned that nothing good ever comes of it except someone eats a lot of popcorn watching it all unfold.


Best advice I can muster: If you're an adult, then act like an adult while engaging others. Ignore people who act like an azzhat, and your life will be much easier to navigate. IRL or on the webs. If you think someone's questions are dumb or stupid, then either ATFQ or STFU. Telling someone who asks "stupid questions" that you think their questions are stupid isn't helping. Resist the urge. Poking fun and joking around is perfectly fine, but there is that subtle line of being disrespectful. There's also the action of inaction. You can always choose to keep quiet.

I don't care anymore. I know enough to get me by and fix my junk. If I want to learn something from someone and they start acting like an azzhat, there's a 98% chance I can get that same info or better from someone else. So no matter how good you think you are, you're likely not. This isn't meant as a slight toward anyone. I'm just saying it how it is.

That said, this site has a collective G-body IQ off the charts. You want to mod something? Ask. Someone's likely done it to their car. You want to restore something or figure out how to take something apart? That's probably covered too. From basics to full customs, this is the place to go for all your G-body needs (I better say "RWD G-body" or that guy and his FWD Buicks might show back up).

I can put up with children and childish behaviors for a bit. But the thing that stops me cold, where I draw the line, is when someone starts talking about their "Cutty" (That other "C" word). Makes me cringe. When I hear or see that, I know the intellect level just flew off the cliff. So I don't even bother engaging any further. I couldn't care less, even if I have the solution in hand. I'm no longer interested once that word comes up. I consider it a "safe" word. You're on your own after that.
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Jun 15, 2012
Florida Beach
This group is like anything else in society where humans are involved. You have your good ones and you have the ones who like to start drama because of whatever inadequacy they have in their lives. Some of us run off of brutal honesty and call it for what it is, how we were raised. That hurts feelings nowadays because thick skin doesn't exist anymore.

If you are referring to the "c word" that I think you are, in Australia that's a word of affection..🤣


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
My point was even though you can always find fault in others, it's not always prudent to point that out to them. Because doing that is basically a huge waste of time, IMO. If they're receptive to unsolicited feedback, that's one thing, but usually ambushing people with strong, critical opinions isn't always the best medicine. Swift and harsh critical views are seldom met with open arms.

Would an EFI engine like it running a straight fuel pump? Not normally. That's why regulators are put in place. To tamper down to what is needed without letting things getting out of hand. You still get where you're going. Deluging someone with criticism is kinda like that.

Brutal honesty is almost always appreciated, but perhaps not exactly at the time it is doled out. Not saying anyone has to sugar-coat what they believe, or change what they believe. It's just sometimes it's just best to roll your eyes and move on. Not everyone has to know how stupid you feel something or someone is. There's been many a post where I just whistle as I walk on by.


But hey, you do you and be who you are. I'm not directing this at anyone. More like everyone. Myself included. I'm just saying that we can all get along if we meet somewhere in the middle.
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Royal Smart Person
Jul 23, 2018
My point was even though you can always find fault in others, it's not always prudent to point that out to them. Because doing that is basically a huge waste of time, IMO. If they're receptive to unsolicited feedback, that's one thing, but usually ambushing people with strong, critical opinions isn't always the best medicine. Swift and harsh critical views are seldom met with open arms.

Deluging someone with criticism is kinda like that.

Brutal honesty is almost always appreciated, but perhaps not exactly at the time it is doled out. Not saying anyone has to sugar-coat what they believe, or change what they believe. It's just sometimes it's just best to roll your eyes and move on. Not everyone has to know how stupid you feel something or someone is. There's been many a post where I just whistle as I walk on by.

View attachment 238941

But hey, you do you and be who you are. I'm not directing this at anyone. More like everyone. Myself included. I'm just saying that we can all get along if we meet somewhere in the middle.
ignoring it is easy, but when it becomes abusive and threatening.....


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