Door dinging idiots.... GRRRRRRRRRR I'm sure i'm not alone!?

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Royal Smart Person
Feb 7, 2019
We are all on this AWESOME "G" body website and forum because we LOVE our beloved cars. (So I'm sure i'm not alone on my rational thinking here)..... FOR THAT REASON when I take a ride out some where's and have to park it, I will scope out a SAFE and vacant parking area just to avoid door dings from other disrespectful and careless individuals who only look at cars as a tool and means to get from point A to point B. I will walk as far as I have to (car in visible sight of coarse). Nothing gets me from calm to EXPLODE than to see someone parking 2 inches from a vehicle in a 5 acre, practically empty lot and then wail the door open into the side of another vehicle. I have actually confronted people when I've seen it. Who else on here has this same pet peeve!?? I'm getting all worked up just typing about it here lol....
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I had a guy key the door on my Malibu when I first got it at a car show because he thought it would beat his.

Luckily a bunch of people saw him do it.

The issue was quickly resolved.
I have varying views on this. If I am parked away from anyone else and there is no reason to hit the car or it is deliberate then I am not happy.

I have had it where someone parked a proper distance from my daily driver (not the Monty) and their kid accidentally opened the door into my car. I saw it happen, the kid was careful but it was an accident. Parent was apologetic. Accepted the apology and went on with my day, yes I was not happy the car had a mark in it but understanding the situation made it different.
I have varying views on this. If I am parked away from anyone else and there is no reason to hit the car or it is deliberate then I am not happy.

I have had it where someone parked a proper distance from my daily driver (not the Monty) and their kid accidentally opened the door into my car. I saw it happen, the kid was careful but it was an accident. Parent was apologetic. Accepted the apology and went on with my day, yes I was not happy the car had a mark in it but understanding the situation made it different.
That's totally understandable AND life happens in the example you replied. If someone did it truly accidentally and apologized, whole different ball game for sure.
This gets my blood boiling. There are so are so many people out there driving clapped out cars that don't respect other peoples property. I've been a victim many times. Look out for 2 door cars with baby seats in the back! Wind is also a killer. They say minivans are usually safe to park next to but I usually find a vacant spot out of the way.
I get that sh*t in my daily drivers. When I'm sitting in the car no less. Freaked one dude out, whipped his POS import door into my Cruze's mirror, I opened the door and was like "hey dumbass be more careful" in my most polite and calm voice (not) and then threw my empties in his open sunroof lol.
I get that sh*t in my daily drivers. When I'm sitting in the car no less. Freaked one dude out, whipped his POS import door into my Cruze's mirror, I opened the door and was like "hey dumbass be more careful" in my most polite and calm voice (not) and then threw my empties in his open sunroof lol.
We need to add that reply to the blog that's about "what sunroofs are good for " lol
My Subaru is literally covered in them. At my last job I had to park in this tight, shitty ****ing parking lot in a shithole dump of a neighborhood and I got a ton of them when I was there. I know there are three on my driver's door, one on the driver's rear door, one on the driver's side quarter panel, and one on the passenger front door. They are all just small dimples or faint creases, I think only one chipped the paint (which I promptly touched up), but I have no ****ing doubt where they came from. Oh and this isn't counting the time someone hit it while it was parked, dented the back bumper, busted the tail light and took off.

We have a paintless dent removal service at my current job and they come around usually once a month, so one day I'll have them go over it and get out as many as they can.
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