Door dinging idiots.... GRRRRRRRRRR I'm sure i'm not alone!?

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I don't care what I'm driving -- it drives me nuts when people park in the adjacent parking spot when there's hundreds of open spots available that are near nobody. I tend to park towards the back end of the lot so it's even more head scratching when someone parks right next to you when thats the case.
I totally feel for you!! People are so ignorant and disrespectful. I also love the ones who don't take their grocery carts back too, and just wing them across the parking lot, if they don't manage to hit someone parked car, the wind will surly push them into someones vehicle. 😡
I don't care what I'm driving -- it drives me nuts when people park in the adjacent parking spot when there's hundreds of open spots available that are near nobody. I tend to park towards the back end of the lot so it's even more head scratching when someone parks right next to you when thats the case.
Couldn't agree MORE!!! One time years ago, I was parked at a department store. I parked WAY OUT in the middle of no where, to come out and find a car parked so close, i literally could not get in my car on the drivers side, I had to crawl in the passengers side door. Pulling away I had to be so careful so our mirrors would not touch. Absolutely ridiculous!!
I got it from a grocery cart one day. We went to get a hair cut and the whole parking lot was full of carts. They never come out and collect them until they run out. It was very windy that day and sure as sh*t a cart came zipping across the lot straight for the right quarter panel. Put a big *ss dent in the panel. I went down to the store to talk to the manager and he was a total prick bout it. He told me to call their corporate office. So long story short they told me to piss off. I knew that the store manager drove a nice Dodge Magnum Wagon. Those wagons look real funny with a shopping cart sticking out of the windshield. I had the paintless dent guy fix my El Camino the next day, still pisses me off every time it think about it. 🙄
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I used to work in a real POS neighborhood where they parked by sound. CRUNCH! Then they drive away. People with new cars would be in tears within a month. I bought a huge ugly old '72 Catalina just for that place. Someone had scratched BARTMAN down the side. From then on they parked far away from me. One night I had a few too many and my trailer hitch had caught itself under a chain link fence. I drove away with a section of fence dragging behind me and I didn't even know it. Perfect car for an idiot neighborhood.
I got it from a grocery cart one day. We went to get a hair cut and the whole parking lot was full of carts. They never come out and collect them until they run out. It was very windy that day and sure as sh*t a cart came zipping across the lot straight for the right quarter panel. Put a big *ss dent in the panel. I went down to the store to talk to the manager and he was a total prick bout it. He told me to call their corporate office. So long story short they told me to piss off. I knew that the store manager drove a nice Dodge Magnum Wagon. Those wagons look real funny with a shopping cart sticking out of the windshield. I had the paintless dent guy fix my El Camino the next day, still pisses me off every time it think about it. 🙄
Sorry to hear that, because of peoples laziness and ignorance, we pay the price 🙁
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I used to work in a real POS neighborhood where they parked by sound. CRUNCH! Then they drive away. People with new cars would be in tears within a month. I bought a huge ugly old '72 Catalina just for that place. Someone had scratched BARTMAN down the side. From then on they parked far away from me. One night I had a few too many and my trailer hitch had caught itself under a chain link fence. I drove away with a section of fence dragging behind me and I didn't even know it. Perfect car for an idiot neighborhood.
OMGOSH! I think i peed myself reading that LOL!!!! TOO funny!!
I pulled the 67 into a carshow a couple years ago, and they directed me next to this Corvair. I left what I thought was PLENTY of room, so much that I could fully open my long *ss door with room to spare, and this clown starts bitching at me about being too close. Then, he starts ranting about having a full car-width between; I just said "you can't be serious", left my sh*t where it was, and walked away.
  • Haha
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Aaaaall day every day. You park in an empty parking lot.. As far away from the entrance as you can walk. And sure enough, you come back to find other morons parking just inches away from your car. I'm pretty sure some kind of mental illness that people do this, I find no other reasonable explanation.

Sorry to hear that some of you are actually getting damage from those kind of people 😕 I would be a raging German all over them if I would catch them.. 😂
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Get this all the time. 300 open parking spots, at least 12 on either side of me, and still someone parks right beside me. Don't often get damaged, but I do shake my head.

Within the first week of having my Cutlass on the road after it was painted, someone bumped the back bumper and cracked a bunch of paint by the license plate pocket. Had it parked right across the road from work, directly in sight from my desk, but still didn't see it happen.

Same thing happened to my Uncle, just days after his 68 El Camino went on the road after a complete resto, he was parked far away from anyone else. By the time he came out, had a baaad door ding from something high, suv or truck, but no vehicle in sight. He was only in the store for 10 minutes, so whoever did it knew what they did and took off.
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