Vermont titling

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Dec 3, 2022
Have any of you folks tried the Vermont titling process to get a titleless car on the road? It was something I have recently discovered, and it’s part of the reason I have joined this forum. I am going through this process for a G body that I am buying from the junkyard. It was an abandoned car, and the previous owner has passed so it would take an act of god to get the title through my state.

This process is pretty well known online, and the yard owner/friend has successfully done it 3 times. Just curious to hear from someone who’s tried it.


Comic Book Super Hero
Supporting Member
Jan 4, 2009
Wellston, OK
Some states have "caught on" to the title-washing states, and will not process the titlework. Most states have a legal way to get title, but it usually involves a fair amount of legwork and expense, hence people are always looking for a cheap out.

Might be worth a call to the appropriate agency in your state to see what the actual process is. Some are easy, some are not. I would not get very specific, and ask in general terms.

Of course, to me, it raises the question ...If it's that easy, why didn't they do it? Surely would bring more with a title than without, and I would assume they're in business to make money.


Dec 3, 2022
The yard owner gets a lot of tow always, for him it’s not worth doing all the work with the DMV to get the title for a $2000 car. He’d rather get off of it quick for what he’s selling it to me for. I do understand what your saying and your not wrong.

I was able to find out who the original owner was, I did some research and found his address. Went to the house and his wife answered, well he had passed away. I tried talking to her (very politely ) about getting a lost title so she could sign it over. Putting it lightly she was not very receptive on the idea. She didn’t even know he had the car, it was left behind at one of their previous houses and the current owners wanted it gone.

Being she was not very willing I decided to try the Vermont route. If they turn me down, I may go back to her and offer to give her some cash for 3 signatures. That’s a last resort.
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Master Mechanic
Jan 10, 2018
If you haven’t bought the junk yard G body you might want to reconsider the purchase. There is a reason many states will not recognize Vermont titles. Trying to take the cheap way out by buying a car from the junk yard does not work.
Be patient and watch the classified ads on Craigslist, FB Marketplace to name a few. Good deals do come available. Obviously, only get serious about cars that have titles. The last thing you want is for the State Police to beat on your door at midnight because the car you hoped was legitimate (Vermont title) was stolen (wife is unwilling to cooperate) and they want to know why it’s in your driveway.


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
I bought my Bonnewagon from a dead guy. His son voided the title by signing it wrong. Of course NY state DMV wanted me to dig him up and get him to sign some papers. There is a process where I applied for a title. I had to take a picture of the VIN, send a certified letter to the dead guy asking for a title, get it back unopened marked 'deceased', 'unknown', 'no such person', or whatever, fill out a form, include the bill of sale, voided title, and tax papers, send it all to the Title Bureau, wait forever, and bingo I get a title. It seemed hard at the time but it really wasn't.
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Royal Smart Person
Jun 19, 2021
If she can prove an older title to what you have the car is hers. I worked with a guy who bought an old blazer with some title funny business fixed it all up, paint and tires and wheels lots of work It looked real good.

The previous title holder presented an older title in court that had never been transferred and the judge said it was theirs. All that work and money down the S******.

If the widow wants it the car is hers, now you involved her it is best to get it from her.
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G-Body Guru
May 31, 2014
South Central Ohio
I'd recommend trying to get the widow to get a lost title. We went thru a lawyer to get a Title to a car last titled in Texas. Texas confirmed that the car was not stolen, but wouldn't give any information on the owner. The lawyer route was alot of money for a car that wasn't worth much more anyway. Many times considered dropping it off downtown and leaving it there to be impounded, just to get rid of it. Won't go through that mess again.


Sep 23, 2018
and remember, to get a title you gotta pay state sales tax. Like, you are standing there saying "please, take my money for a piece of paper" and the state sez "not interested, go away".


Comic Book Super Hero
Supporting Member
Jan 4, 2009
Wellston, OK
Also, of note is that you don't actually get a Vermont title, as they do not title vehicles over 15 years old. You will get a registration, which your state may or may not accept as proof of ownership.

You didn't say where you are, so tough to offer much advice. I am curious about why the resistance to at least exploring the legal way to obtain title.

I FOR SURE wouldn't spend any money on it until you get the VT papers and proceed to get a real (your) state-issued title for it.


Dec 3, 2022
Thanks for the replies!

Before I went the Vermont route, I did contact my states DMV because I planned to go through the proper steps to obtain it. There is an “abandoned vehicle” process where you have to go through a bunch of steps to get the title in the previous owners name, but once you have it you are still required to tp go the county court house and Find out who the executor of estate (that may be the wrong term, I can’t remember) is and have them sign off on the title and bill of sale. Since I knew his name and verified with the DMV that is in his name still I went to the court house and checked who his executor was, well it was in fact his wife.

I’m going to go for a last ditch effort and go to her house and offer her $100 to sign 3 papers for me to get the car in my name. If she decides to give me a hard time I will just walk away. I really do want the car, it’s clean and very un molested. If it doesn’t work the it’s not meant to be I guess?

I’ve been scanning FB and CL for the last year for a 4 door, or wagon G body. I’d even take a previous generation 4 door GM car. They have all went through the roof in price. This will be all year daily, I currently have a reliable but rusty 00s fwd GM to drive but I really want a rwd 4 door to haul the family in.

Again thanks for the replies! I will post back with my conclusion. Hopefully it’s with me having a Buick century in my driveway.

Something else I hate to mention, I co side red buying it compete to part out of the title was a wash. Would there be enough interest in it for me to make a few $$? I would MUCH rather see it on the road.
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