If you haven’t bought the junk yard G body you might want to reconsider the purchase. There is a reason many states will not recognize Vermont titles.
please cite list of states and real cases. I've heard this claim multiple times but no one has ever presented evidence. It's always been a-brother-of-a-mother-of-a-friends-cousin-who-knew-this-guy-that-one-time-had-a-girlfriend-who's-dad-had-a-neighbor-......... story
while it MAY be possible to be denied, I consider it unlikely. I'm pretty sure most states do not have laws that say "well, we SUSPECT sumpin' so we not gonna title it here. you hear?" TxDMV idiots tried to give me a ration of sht for supposedly titleing it late. "what's your excuse?" (they have a fine for that here) I threw them some b.s. and because they couldn't prove otherwise, they shut up and titled it. they had no choice, HAD to title it.
additionally, most states (all of them AFAIK) subscribe to an Interstate Commerce Compact that basically says "We'll honor yours if you honor ours". Find the ICC agreement for vehicle titles and that should give you the answer right there.

RMV overcharges man — by more than $10,000 - The Boston Globe
A man’s dream of putting his lovingly restored 1956 Triumph on the road hit an $11,232 bump in the road at the state Registry of Motor Vehicles and Department of Revenue.

as for the wife 'unwilling to cooperate', if the vehicle was on a mechanics lien (which it may have been since he's getting from a mechanic/tow...) then that may resolve the ownership issue right there. abandoned property.Trying to take the cheap way out by buying a car from the junk yard does not work.
Be patient and watch the classified ads on Craigslist, FB Marketplace to name a few. Good deals do come available. Obviously, only get serious about cars that have titles. The last thing you want is for the State Police to beat on your door at midnight because the car you hoped was legitimate (Vermont title) was stolen (wife is unwilling to cooperate) and they want to know why it’s in your driveway.
but as someone else pointed out, if she got an unsigned title, he is SOL.
Buying a car with a title issue can be a hassle, but don’t let it deter you - Hagerty Media
Rob Siegel offers some solutions.

as for buying a car from the junkyard? can't be done in Texas (and maybe other states). once it enters the jyard and the paperwork is processed, the title is branded as a junkyard car and can never be titled or registered on the roads ever again. when it leaves the jyard, it will do so in pieces. and I have this from the guys I know who work at jyards here.
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