If you are going to go the cover route or put it into temporary garage, be sure to use plenty of mothballs or similar in the cabin and under the hood and in the trunk. Also, put a tarp down on the ground and back the car onto it to keep the moisture from the grass away from the frame and belly parts and then spread a layer of mothballs on it as well. Not sure what you can do about rabbits and other critters that gnaw on wires. There is thread on the board somewhere in the recent past that discussed means and methods to discourage pests like mice and rabbits and squirrels and anything else that gnaws and sh*ts. The AGG crew did an episode on a Monte that had been stored for several years after the project stalled and while a beautiful looking car, the interior had been invaded by mice. They had to take it completely out and dispose of everything, then remove the sound deadening insulation and clean the metal down, and then use bleach or industrial cleaner to sterilize the whole thing to destroy the stench and bacteria from the mouse droppings. When they pulled the rear seat, the foam had been tunneled out to create a highway for the meeces to come and go. Personally I was glad my TV doesn't have smell-O-vision because the odor would likely have been right up there with Skunk spray.