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  1. Longroof79

    Bye bye Hot Rod

    Chris, I found that Car Craft was more suited to the everyday enthusiast. It felt like it disappeared overnight. I liked Car Craft . Same with Rod & Custom. I wanted to renew my subscription and found that they were no longer in print... That's what happens when a larger conglomerate takes over...
  2. Longroof79

    Bye bye Hot Rod

    On occasion, there were some interesting articles, but they became few and far between. I wish I never got rid of my old Hot Rods, Car Crafts, etc, from 50 + yrs ago. I especially liked the small page magazines like the early Car Craft, Rod & Custom, etc. I know I'm dating myself. I gave away a...
  3. Longroof79

    Bye bye Hot Rod

    It was so easy to accumulate car mags of all types. I have a good stack of Hot Rod Magazines, some Car Craft, Rod and Custom, Custom Rodder, Super Chevy, etc. Eventually it will have to be purged. It's not to easy to get rid of them, though. I stopped my subscription to Hot Rod several...
  4. Longroof79

    WANTED Burgundy Console

    Johnny, I never discount using a console, or seats for that matter, from other cars, whether they're GM, Lexus, BMW, whatever. I would always enjoy going on exploratory missions to the junkyard. Just the adventure of finding cool stuff. The thrill of the hunt, if you will. ;) If I recall, the...
  5. Longroof79

    WANTED Burgundy Console

    One thing I forgot to mention, I had to add a piece of sheet plastic to build up a section of the console. If you do lay it on the tunnel, you'll see that it's a bit too narrow. I'll see if I have pic somewhere to show you. I kind of agree with Mr Sony about the shape of it being kind of on the...
  6. Longroof79

    WANTED Burgundy Console

    Johnny, I had a Grand Am console in my car for awhile. It doesn't quite fit right on the tunnel. I had to cut into it and reshape it somewhat. It ended up in the trash after I found my Monte Carlo console.
  7. Longroof79

    WANTED Burgundy Console

    Decent console. Nice score. Just for the shift plate. At least it came with the console door, although they reproduce them. The console doors always seem to take a beating. I had gotten a well used console door from a member some years ago. It was out of shape and coming apart. I took it...
  8. Longroof79

    Gene Winfield died today

    Sadly we lost the last of the legendary customizers. I did enjoy the episode of Monster Garage where several other notable customizers came together to chop and section that early '50's Chevy Fleetline. Also, the episode with Ian Roussel on Full Custom Garage where Ian worked with Gene to do...
  9. Longroof79

    GBOTM Congrats, Streetbu - March 2025's G-Body of the Month

    Congratulations Shawn! Another well deserved kudos to you. (y)
  10. Longroof79

    Back wing screw caps?

    Nick, Just a thought. You said you still have one of the caps. Perhaps you can make a mold of it using modeling clay or something of that nature. Then use a type of epoxy resin or fiberglass matting. Just thinking about alternatives. It doesn't look like a difficult part to duplicate.
  11. Longroof79

    anyone recover reupholster sunvisors?

    Mark, I assume that the Cherokee visors can be used on our cars. I like the fact that they snap together with just a small application of glue. GM has done a lot of hokey sh*t over time. I agree.
  12. Longroof79

    anyone recover reupholster sunvisors?

    Mark, I thought they might've been the Jeep visors, but I know you have a blue interior in your wagon. I like the old Singer treadle machines. They're pretty cool. My mom had one and converted it to electric. My mom was pretty handy, I must say. People like the old treadle machines as a display...
  13. Longroof79

    anyone recover reupholster sunvisors?

    Mark, I assume those are your wagon visors. Thanks for sharing the pics and info. From what I can ascertain looking at my visors. The edges are folded in around the perimeter of the visor, both sides, and then stitched around. I have an old Singer sewing machine that I never used or learned...
  14. Longroof79

    Back wing screw caps?

    A few guys offered to 3D print them. I guess nothing ever became of that. It would be an easy part to duplicate.
  15. Longroof79

    anyone recover reupholster sunvisors?

    I don't ever remember paying that much to have my visors recovered. I think the last time was with my wagon visors. I supplied the material from my headliner and the woman at the shop charged like $40.00, which I thought was reasonable.
  16. Longroof79

    anyone recover reupholster sunvisors?

    Thank you for the breakdown of the visors. I should've been a little more specific. The mirrors aren't the illuminated type. which probably doesn't matter. They probably are assembled and removed the same way. I guess the mounting screws are situated behind the fabric. No exposed screws. Thank...
  17. Longroof79

    has anyone here made their own headliner backing - t top roof

    I think it looks pretty damn good. Is the original more curved along the sides?
  18. Longroof79

    anyone recover reupholster sunvisors?

    I need to recover the sun visors in my other car. They're covered in typical headliner fabric. I was also wondering. They both have vanity mirrors. What's the trick in removing them without breaking them, of course?
  19. Longroof79

    Wacky problem. Hoping someone can shed some light on it.

    Still haven't found the elusive relay. I have removed the ash tray assembly and both under dash panels, still nada. Next, I will remove the rear seat bottom, which was suggested earlier. What the heck. I still haven't found what looks like the proper relay. Looks like more hair pulling in...
  20. Longroof79

    1980 Buick V6 in my 51 HenryJ

    I just saw an older episode of full custom garage. A guy from Canada brought Ian a Henry J on a full tube frame. He wanted Ian to chop the top, which he did. It came out great. This guy is quite a craftsman with metal and anything he puts his hands on.

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