Bye bye Hot Rod


Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
I just got a smokin' offer from Hot Rod Magazine. The new four issues a year format can be mine for only $30. Hmmm. I used to get 12 issues a year for $10. Full of good info and articles geared to the everyday hot rodder. Now it is all about mega buck builds that they don't even do themselves. Nice to look at, but how does that help me with my lowly cars? The new format stinks. They fill the magazine with whole-page photos and ads. Not a single how-to article. Nope. After almost 50 years of subscribing, you can keep it. It's not even the cost. It is so out of touch I just can't relate. Popular Hot Rodding, Rod and Custom, High Performance Pontiac, all my favorites are gone. Hot Rod can go too.

This seems to be a trend. I was subscribed to Salt Water Sportsman since the early 60's. With Hal Lyman and Frank Woolner at the helm, I read about salt water fish, techniques, tackle, boats, surf casting, bait, local and other places to fish, party boats, beach buggies, pier fishing, lures, everything you needed to know about salt water fishing. It slowly passed on to new hands, they tried, but failed, to keep it relatable. Now it is all about zillion dollar boats. with six giant outboard engines on the stern. Blue water fishing far offshore. Nothing else. They asked why I let the subscription expire. I said you should change the name to Mega-buck Boats. They were not amused.
I also had car magazine subscriptions for decades (since the beginning of my high school days). The world as we know (knew?) it is changing w/the times to the increasingly dominant digital format.

Magazines & car themed shows going to 'shorter' formats (reels) via internet or streaming only.
Pictures taken & actually hung on walls vs being shared via social media.
Schools teaching kids through computers vs books.
Educational systems using 'text' form printed-out vs writing things by hand.
'AI' making decisions now for many things that used to require human involvement.
The push to eliminate gas combustion powered vehicles for more efficient/cleaner options.
Heck..... The sheer volume of kids coming of age that aren't chomping @ the bit to get a DL because they're already mobile via rideshare programs after outgrowing mom/dad drop-off experiences.

We are the 2ist Century caveman. The big difference is we'll be knowing & watching ourselves become extinct
I haven't had a suscription to Hot Rod in several years & kinda glad about it. Didn't like the fact all remaining titles (think it's just HR & MT) went from monthly to quarterly which has stopped me from grabbing a random issue if it had something interesting. Then there was the mass dropping of titles which I really didn't like cause I just paid for multi year subscritions to Car Craft & Muscle Car Review just to only get 2 issues each with no refund or any form of comp. This made me not renew my Hot Rod subcription that was coming due. Should of seen the writing on the wall back then. Even when all the gear head titles were bought up into one big company with the thinning of the herd shortly after. Does suck that they got away from the true orgins of Hot Rod that most of us grew up on to go to projects that are more money driven than budget minded builds. It seems like they totally removed the gear heads that ran everything & knew what the reader wanted to some one who thinks more on how they can make more $$$ with giving less while pushing the main readers away. At this point, if I'm going to spend $30 on Hot Rod issues it'll be for a bunch of old issues to replace those I had in the past. Bet this is nothing like what Pete Peterson had in mind when he started Hot Rod & then Peterson Publishing.
I'm in the same boat. I quit them all many years ago, sadly. CHP, Super Chevy, Hot Rod, the whole lot of them. For the same reasons as you guys: fewer issues with watered down content that was mostly ads at 2x a sensible price. Luckily, I never throw anything away so I've got stacks upon stacks for when the power goes out but new content would be great. I switched over to Rebel Rodz, Ol' Skool Rodz, and Car Culture DeLuxe for a good while but don't even buy those anymore.
I'm currently organizing things and discovered my old Truckin' mags had 362 pages for $5. Those were the days...

It was so easy to accumulate car mags of all types. I have a good stack of Hot Rod Magazines, some Car Craft, Rod and Custom, Custom Rodder, Super Chevy,
Eventually it will have to be purged. It's not to easy to get rid of them, though.
I stopped my subscription to Hot Rod several years ago. Like Mark said, it seems to cater more to the big buck build. However, it really was a bargain at $10.00 per year. I just wasn't interested in it anymore. I'm from the old school philosophy of hot rodding. . I like to see cars build from a conglomeration of parts and from various brands. Kind of how hot rodding began.

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