Craigslist has helped me with this question. I found several sets of the new Camaro steelies, but they come standard with 28" tall tires. Stock size on most g-bodies was 26.1" (195/75/14). A week later I found a set of 2012 Camaro 18"x7.5" aluminum rims for $300, and a set of 235/45/18 tires (26.3") for $160. What's been on the car for now has been a set of 1994 S-10 ZQ8 GM wheels 16"x8" with Corvette 255/50/16 tires (26.1").
The Camaro wheels needed 1.5" spacers ($100 on EBay), and they currently hang up on the old skool front hubs by about 1/4". I scrounged a set of 2000 Blazer spindles with the unitized bearing/hub assemblies and plan to upgrade to 13" Corvette brake rotors and calipers down the road, but I will need more room for the calipers. I'm not sure I like the new wheels yet. The ZQ8s look badass, and the Camaro wheels, well, not just yet. The tires are the same width on the tread, but the Camaro rims and tires lack the 'badass-ness' of the ones that require no wheel adapters. Oh, and the Camaro wheel studs and lug nuts are bigger. The front end is not yet aligned, so they look a little negative-cambered at the moment.
I thought I put some pictures up and wait for feedback. If you like the Camaro rims, let me know in case I later decide they aren't for me. This was quite the investment of time and driving to get all this together to see the results. Hadn't seen anyone post this data before.