1979 Buick regal / Engine rebuild


May 3, 2024
I have a new customer here in my workshop with a 1979 Buick Regal. I have recently taken compression ( and performed a leakdown test ) and the result are bad, 125psi on 5 cylinder but only 90Psi on one .... So its rebuild time !
my probem is for the 196Ci ( 3.2L ) i didnt find piston ring ( std or oversize ) neither than piston ( std or oversize ) what do you do in these condition ? Any other piston can work and if yes from wich engine ? Since i dont have piston spec here ...
may swap over the 3.8L but no v8 ( here in belgium, technical control is relatively strict with swap ... )


Alex Garage
Might be possible to compair to the Buick/Rover 215 ci/3,5L V8 pistons as the both have the same bore size (3.5"/88.9mm). I'll be up front & say I'm not a Buick guy but those are the closest to each other for bore size. Best is to compair pistions if possible. The actual Buick guys might jump in with better info on this & the 231 swap.
Ok so maybe i can use piston and/or ring for a 3.5 v8 ! great !
otherwise i found many remanufactured 3.8 231Ci engine ( from summit for exemple ) i think its a bolt on, but intake, exhaust, carb, distri, ... can be reused ? the 3.8 bolt right into the TC and the gearbox ( i think th200 ) ? and on the motor mount ? its gonna be great for my customer !
a mild build / performance part exist for the 3.8 ? like a camshaft, maybe reuse head from the 3.2 ( smaller combustion chamber ? ) ect


Alex Garage
A piston ring company I’ve used for custom rings in the past is Deves. I believe they are out of Nevada. I’m sure the shipping will be worse than the cost of the rings.
Looks like the 196 is very compatible with the 231 VIN code A engine. So far I see little that is different if you choose to swap to a 231.

196 231 motor mount.png

196-231 acc drive 1.png

196-231 acc drive 2.png

196-231 ex.png

196-231 PS1.png

196-231 PS2.png

196-231 PS3.png

Will post more data when I find it.
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