Anyone answered this. Would a 1984 grand national make a good every day car? I think its a clone because the headlight bezelsso don't tweak about it being one of the only 2000. But nonetheless it has a grand national motor so I'm just wondering if they make good every day cars. Thanks for youryou time prior to discussion.
I would consider a Grand National to be a decent daily driver car. I wouldn't drive one daily if it was a low mileage excellent condition Grand National. But just a high mileage decent shape one ... I'd drive it. I'm sure something could be found within the same price as a Grand National that would be a little better as far as fuel economy :idea:
I would consider a Grand National to be a decent daily driver car. I wouldn't drive one daily if it was a low mileage excellent condition Grand National. But just a high mileage decent shape one ... I'd drive it. I'm sure something could be found within the same price as a Grand National that would be a little better as far as fuel economy :idea:
I agree. If it's show quality I wouldn't, but if it has miles and shows some wear and tear then I would use one as a driver. But at the same time, I wouldn't sh*t bag it and drive it into the ground. Take good care of it so it would be good for a future resto job.
Yes & no. My 87 often gets about 22 hwy. Fuel injection is generally nicer than carberators for daily drivers and the overdrive is great and the basic engine is very reliable. That said 84 electronics and computer controlled things weren't. You will have little issues from time to time and would want to be handy at resolving these yourself. and would be great resources. Make sure it doesn't have vacuum hoses or other vacuum leaks as that is a common problem. Although that is a common problem but usually cheap easy fix of any gbody. Fortunately their is still enough support & resources that generally find parts isn't a big problem in part thanks to the internet and the general interest in these cars. They do always get looks & thumbs ups and most people like the factory wheels they put on at that time.
As long as you don't mod it. It bone stock form they are pretty reliable, but once you start increasing boost over stock levels, then their reliability drops like a brick. Modded turbo motors often have a greater decline in reliability than modded N/A motors.
I would agree that modded turbo motors have a greater decline in reliability then modded naturally aspirated motors. Because you can dramatically turn up the power scale quickly in messing with air fuel & a turbo versus a smaller power increment isolated change like most NA mods are. That said as long as at least minor mods are done with a scantool such as the scanmaster you can do it safely & reliably. You just can't do it in the blind like you often can with a NA motor.
Woah first off thanks for all the informational feed back guys! And I don't plan on Modding it at all its perfect just the way it is. The reason I want one is because I want a more so muscular car for my daily commute its just the guy I am and with gas going the way it is I figured a six cylinder would be the best way to go. I don't need any extra power because they pack quite a punch the way it is. So if I'm doing anything to it depending on weather I get it or not it'll only be tune ups to keep that heart beating. And for the guys who think its going to be run to the ground shed be in good hands with me just a cruiser not gonna be treated like a hot rod. And restoring it into what it has the potential to be will be something on my mind every day from the get go if I am lucky enough to call it mine. But I'm not going to jynx it because I'm really pulling for this car again thanks for the feed back!!
Anyone answered this. Would a 1984 grand national make a good every day car? I think its a clone because the headlight bezelsso don't tweak about it being one of the only 2000. But nonetheless it has a grand national motor so I'm just wondering if they make good every day cars. Thanks for youryou time prior to discussion.
I would think so, but it depends on what you are comparing it to... I would drive a clean one everyday, just insure the hell out of it... I am not a fan of new cars anymore, after owning several rather expensive ones, i would rather put more money into something older... so for me as far as gas mileage, i think it would do better than the 2010 Camaro I got rid of and cost a hell of alot less (even if you were to restore it)
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