Sounds like your radiator is building up calcium deposits and not effectively cooling.
You cannot just put regular water into a coolent system, the natural minerals in the water will deposit and corrode everything over time. You must use distilled water, buy a few gallons from the grocery store.
Here's what you do.
1. Buy an Fbody Aluminum radiator from for $90 (Aluminum transfers heat better than Brass)
2. Buy a bottle of Water Wetter from the autoparts store for $10 (stuff is worth it's weight in gold)
3. Buy 2 gallons of Distilled water and 2 gallons of coolent and mix NO MORE than a 50/50 blend otherwise the Water Wetter will not do it's job (follow the instructions on the back or Google to see what others are doing in your area), I run a 30/60 but I don't live in the desert...
4. 160* thermostat, not necessary but might help.
5. Aluminum High volume waterpump, again might help but it is not necessary.
You will never overheat again with this combo, I ran it with a 455 in a Gbody and could still put my hand on the valve covers after driving 50 miles... 307's on the other hand like to run hot, I think it's due to the smaller coolent passages.