I see countless 3rd row seats going for cheap lately out of various SUV's. Most of them are in spectacular shape - and they are not worth anything because how many people 'lose' or 'destroy' a 3rd row seat w/o destroying or losing the whole car: less than 1% probably so, my question to you guys who know more about it is if any of those seats match up for a G. I particularly like the look of the black ones from the Envoys/ Trailblazers because the seat is thin and conservative but has a 'fold down' clip so very usable & utilitarian. Obviously, the implications of jamming a 3rd row seat in a Cutlass/ MC back seat is obvious too: pass- through , and the ability to fold 1 of the rear seat / or all 3 means suddenly the car is more functional to bring wood/ furniture stuff home or adjust / turn off your amp during a road trip all that good stuff
There are plenty of other makes w 3rd row seats too , such as the durango. I bet somebody here already is using 1 in their front or back post pics I want to see how it came out !
There are plenty of other makes w 3rd row seats too , such as the durango. I bet somebody here already is using 1 in their front or back post pics I want to see how it came out !