70's/80's TV Shows

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Royal Smart Person
Jun 27, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Sanford and Son


Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
Different Strokes
Three's Company
Whats Happening
Small Wonder... lol @ Harriet hahaha

GP403 said:
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
Knight Rider

Speaking of Knight Rider. Did anyone watch the new one last night? The pilot they did a few months ago was at least watchable and somewhat within the realm of believability, but they totally put me off this show in the first 5 minutes with the whole transformer-truck fast-n-furious neon 377mph WTF are-you-on-crack atomic turbo-boost thing.

It was beyond horrible.. but hey at least the hot chick got halfway naked. And whats with the 'attack mode' where Kit grows a 10ft ricer wing?


Comic Book Super Hero
Jul 17, 2007
Re: 70s 80s shows

papabearxl said:
Hardcastle and McCormick, Manimal, Misfits of Science, Simon and Simon

Hardcastle and McCormick, I used to love that show.

Maybe I am a little older but I remember my older brother and sister letting me watch

BJ & the Bear
Starksy and Hutch

I loved Simon & Simon & Airwolf too !


Master Mechanic
Aug 27, 2008
I'll tell you one thing I don't miss about those 70&80's shows. The way they use too smash american iron around to no end, use to burn me up. The show CHIPS was the worst. That whole show revolved around cars wrecking into each other or blowwing up. I forget how many chargers met an early death because of Dukes of Hazzard, but I think it was in the thousands. Watch any of those shows now and it will make you cry. Hollywood still does it but not as much. There was a commercial last year where they pushed a black regal off a highrise garage into a river below. Couldn't have they used some front wheel econo car that no one would miss?
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
It was actually a Cutlass in that commercial. I think it was for Allstate insurance.

As for movies wrecking lots of cars back in the day, back then they were common and cheap. It's not like had they not been wrecked they would have been cocooned in a vault somewhere to preserve them for the future. They probably would have met an anonymous fate when they were no longer relevant for transportation and would have been junked. Back then, it would be like destroying a Camry or a Lumina in a movie today. Now for them to wreck one for TV today is a different story as they are rare and few people still use them for regular transportation. Wrecking them now means a loss to the hobby that it did not mean 30 years ago. Even the most common of old cars is scarce when it gets to be 25-30 years old.


Master Mechanic
Apr 22, 2007
Erie, PA
There were a total of 309 "General Lees" used in the Dukes of Hazzard TV series, just about all used as stunt cars. Towards the end of the series '69 and '70 Chargers were getting very hard for the producers to find. About 20 of the Generals used on the show still exist today.

I get a kick out of watching the movie Smokey and the Bandit 2 and seeing all the '78 LeMans' just like mine that were destroyed in the end scenes of that movie. Of course at the time, it was a dime a dozen new car.

"The Equalizer" was one of my favorite 80's TV shows.

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