83 Buck Regal Build

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Shawn F.

Nov 30, 2010
Charlotte, North Carolina
Well guys I picked up an 83 Buick Regal from a buddy of mine back in June or July. It has your typical sbc 350 swap out of a 90's Suburban (not Vortec unfortunately) and a TH350 trans. It's pretty much stock and runs great. The car is all original as far as the body, suspension and interior goes. It is currently my daily driver (not for too much longer), and since it is, I am getting typical wear and tear on it and will soon need a tune up, brakes, tires, etc. It will soon no longer be my every day driver and be the occasional daily driver/weekend toy. I do not plan to go radical as far as a track car of any sort (drag or auto x) and want to keep form and function a top priority as far as reliability and be practical with it. Pretty much I do not need to put the highest performance suspension on it if I am not going to use it at its fullest potential (such as a track). I would like to push quite a bit more power out of it since it's a stock 350 with old center bolt type heads and only has a Performance aluminum intake. Goal is roughly 380HP which I think is doable with the correct head, cam, intake and gear combination.

My very near future plans are to get wider rims and tires in the rear to fill the wheel well as much as possible, all new suspension (the shocks are old and worn out), run a bigger and better front and rear sway bar, F41 bracing to stiffen up the frame, heads, cam, intake, headers, dual exhaust, nicely built 200/4R trans, and if I get bored enough a pro charger or such. :wink: I'd love to get some opinions and answers to some questions from you guys if at all possible.
I have nice and rebuilt Vortec heads with upgraded springs in them that I was thinking about running but not sure if I should sell them and go with an aftermarket aluminum setup or not? First on my list in the next few weeks though are shocks, new radiator (mine is pretty rusty looking inside and I have a feeling the PO ran plain water instead of distilled and not a proper 50/50 mixture of antifreeze), electric fan and switch, and new wheels/tires. I have a few questions before I make the jump to purchase this stuff and yes I know they have been asked here before most likely but figured these would pertain to my application specifically...

1.) Hedman headers seemed to be the better of the cheaper option as far as full length headers go about 3 years ago when I had my El Camino... Is this still the case or is there better out there for under $300 now?

2.) I want to run dual exhaust and plan to go with Magnaflow mufflers or similar with a medium growl at idle but loud when you get on it (not a huge fan of Flowmaster). What I want to know is which muffler(s) is the best performing (good flow) for street setup with a medium growl at idle but louder at medium and higher RPM? I am sure there are a few out there so curious as to what are my options?

3.) For street setup with a decent street cam, Vortec heads, etc, what is preferred as far as X pipe vs H pipe goes? I am looking for function rather than just sound.

4.) As I stated, I have Vortec heads already that I was going to swap onto this 350 block of mine that was pulled from what I guess is a mid 90's Suburban (currently has center bolt heads but not Vortec). Should I run them or go aftermarket of some sort? My goal is to ultimately get 380HP or so if at all possible.

5.) Since I have read about all G Bodies not being the same as far as rear width of tires go, how wide of a rim and tire (with offset) can I go on this 83 Buick Regal? I currently run 15" torque thrusts but would like to either keep 15" and run a 9 or 10" wide rear if at all possible with the muscle car look, or go 17" all the way around (pro touring look) with 9" and as wide as possible with no clearance issues in the rear. Any suggestions? If I have to roll my quarters a little bit or very slight trimming, that is okay too.

6.) Currently I have a plastic tank radiator and a single electric fan that is ran straight to power since the cheap fan switch burnt up. I am now in need of a new radiator due to rust and may as well run a proper and good fan and switch setup on it. Champion is the cheapest option it seems but I am afraid that it's too cheap and do not want issues. At the same time I do not want to spend $350+ on a radiator if I can help it. Options here? What about fan and switch combo?

7.) I plan to have the car lowered 2.5 inches in front over stock and 3-3.5 in rear. What is my best option as far as shocks go? Seems KYB's are popular amongst G Body guys... Anything else out there? I want good handling but again, I am not tracking this thing, just want something far superior over stock setup.

8.) I was looking at Hotchkis, UMI and Spohn suspension kits as far as drop springs, front and rear sway bars and rear arms. Are they equally all the same as far as quality or is one better over the other?

Sorry for all the questions guys. I just want to make sure I make the correct purchase the first time before running into any issues and wasting money! I appreciate any help/information here!


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Welcome. I like the look of you regal its real neat. I get where your coming from when you say you wantt a streetable fast classic. But in my opinion a little less is alot more when it comes to building a daily rod. Im almost doing what you are as in terms of building a daily G body. My sugestions on dropping the front end is get drop spindles. For exhaust I would like to see sugestions too because im looking into geting duals also. A 380 hp out of a 350 doesnt sound too reliable. Especialy if its carbed. Thats $$$$ in gas.
That's one good looking Regal - If your happy with the car, just leave it the why it is. That 350 should have plenty of power to push it around but like most of us you probably can't leave it alone. You can put an 8" rim w/ 3.5 back space under it. I have just run slicks and put a 28 / 9 / 15 or 28 / 11.5 / 15 ET Streets under it. I like Shoenfeld headers but they won't work w/ AC you might look at Dyno-max they fit and preform well. I have run pipes straight back to the mufflers and also used an x pipe - really no difference. I believe my radiator is a Champion
and its been in there over 10 years. Your stock rear suspension w/ a sway bar should serve you well, the shocks you buy should fit your needs. I've got a stock 350 short block (L-82) w/ chevy iron 2.02 heads that pulls 460 HP so you should have no problems w/ 380 and I have been beating on it over 5 years w/o one problem. Enjoy that car!


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Both Regals in this thread look really good. Keep it up.
It's a decent looking car and your goals seem achievable. 380HP is a little high for a car you plan on driving on a daily basis, especially with the shortcoming of the 3 speed. The th350 is fantastic especially with the b&m kit and gate shifter, but it is a little hard to control the car in city traffic without that 4th gear. You can port the vortec heads and spend hundreds but why? Without EFI you will never get to take the full advantage of this wasted money using carb'd. The air flow just isn't there to make it worthwhile. Might as well sell the vortecs and sponsor head work on the stockers, save hundreds of dollars. Money you will put right back into that drop kit. 2.5'' up front is a little ambitious. 1'' up front and 2.5'' out back is more common and much cheaper / practical to acquire and install... If you go with the vortecs consider EFI. They work so much better than carb'd this way. If you know a decent engine builder it would make more sense to go 355 - 372 - or full out 383 w/ the stock block / heads adding nothing but some cams into the mix. Much cheaper and you can get way better MPG by choosing a lower CFM carb for daily driving. I had a similar block as yours with just a slight bore and cams / lifters it was putting out more than 300 hp with just the addition of a new carb on only 650 cfm. When you go with a carb any bigger than that variables start to be more sensitive and reliability is less overall.
Thanks for the info guys! As for the 3 speed, that will change come summer time to a built 200-4R. As for 380 HP, I do not see why it's not doable with worked Vortec heads (which I already have), the correct cam, intake, carb setup and gearing... Even 350 would be plenty IMO. Either way I would like to keep it under 400 since anything above that is just asking for issues. If I wanted to go the EFI route, any recommendations on which setup is best and reliable? Also what about an electric fan and sensor setup? Currently I have a single fan unit that runs constantly and in the summer it works fine but the fact it's always running because of the bad sensor is no good and am afraid it will burn the fan out soon and leave me stranded...
The dual electric fan conversion is usually one of the first steps somebody does when getting ready to do a swap, especially if considering efi. I have just stuck w/ my qjet carb for now so I'm not the best person to ask about the efi but some forum users are having decent sucess with 'ez-efi' kits from jegs / summit. One junkyard fan setup some people are using is the late 90s chrysler which is easy to hardwire in if you cant spring a more expensive dual fans kit 'new'
sweet lookin Regal, Shawn! make sure you start a build thread when you start doing the work on it!

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