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    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP reacted to Ugly1's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Like Like.
      They would look at a retention pond in need of a perk test for drainage. But also a mosquito issue or children hazard depending on how...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP reacted to ck80's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Like Like.
      That brings me to a sort of another question... Is this an HOA situation, or, just a development wide set of restrictive covenants...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP reacted to 86LK's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Like Like.
      considering he's in Houston with all the recent storms/flooding 🤷‍♂️ but HOA restrictions typically dictate what you can/can't do. even...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP reacted to ck80's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Like Like.
      I know we'll in the high heat environs the reasons to prefer concrete for walkways, driveways, etc, but, would permeable paving be an...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP reacted to Ugly1's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Like Like.
      Up here in the NE we have a tendency to lose power at the drop of a hat where I live. Have you seen if that is a problem in that area...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP replied to the thread Bye bye big city!.
      We will have a whole house standby generator running on propane. The new place is more rural and all of the electric infrastructure is...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP reacted to ck80's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Informative Informative.
      Nope, not what I meant. They actually have what is called permeable pavement, it's an asphalt product that allows water to pass through...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP replied to the thread Bye bye big city!.
      It's hard to believe it's been two months. We spent the week of July 4th on the beach at Galveston. About a week later we had a...
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    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP reacted to CopperNick's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Like Like.
      Better not let on that you have expertise in the surveying arts or you'll be having your door beaten on incessantly by other residents...
    • Texas82GP
      Texas82GP replied to the thread Bye bye big city!.
      I get it. It's fairly heavily restricted and getting approval by the ARC was a heavy lift but it keeps the development classy. We're...
    • Texas82GP
      Jack, not trying to dissuade you, but my cousin the enginerd went through this not long ago. He had a 1969 Barracuda 340. But he had...
    • Texas82GP
      Thank you, Jim. How life can throw you an occasional curve, not expecting it. You go on from day to day thinking you'll still have...
    • Texas82GP
      I’ll work on mine and enjoy it as long as I can. After that, it becomes my son’s problem. Luckily he is an avid car guy like us.
    • Texas82GP
      I am always reminded of the phrase they use at Hot Rod magazine. "Don't get it right- get it RUNNING". Words to live by. My wagon will...
    • Texas82GP
      This forum is more than friends. We are an automotive family and it appears you have quite a few who are helping you back away from the...
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