Hell fellow G body people. I have a question that i would love an answer to. I went from a 307 to a 350. this project has been going on for 8 yrs now, and I'm getting close. I'm having a hard time with the wiring of the rally cluster that is in the car. i don't know witch one is a wire for the oil pressure gauge and what one is for temp. Any pic would be very helpful. Also I'm having a hard time locating the sending unit for both. I went to the local autos store and pick both up, and the water sending unit has the wrong connector on it, and the oil sending unit wont clear the water pump is there an attachment that i need for it to clear the water pump? Any Pics of the wires or how you installed the sending units would be very helpful. I hope that any of this made sense and if it didn't sorry and thanks for your time.