85 Monte Paint Thread

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Nov 4, 2009
So after a year of battling with this nightmare of a car, I'm in the final stages of completion, paint. With my dad's awkward work schedule and my inexperience, we're doing it panel by panel. So far I have the roof, jambs, a entire rear clip primed. Here's what i have so far....

Doin' some welding in the trunk..




In Primer..


Here's an ad from one of the paper's I used for masking. See anything odd about it??
86Limited said:
Looking good, I see a show car In progress.

BULL!! haha. I have family in Jupiter, FL. And neverendingmonte, i guess I failed to mention I'm not sticking with the original color. I'm going with GM Victory Red. I want a GBody without the same contemporary colors they put on ALL of these things.
you should keep it primer grey, and put some primer red racing stripes on it...paint repair would be easy a cheaper that way too! But you car is looking real good, I wish my monte was as clean
Tuggy24g said:
Your doing a good job. Cool to see your doing the work yourself and learning with your dad.

Yeah it's nice. He's enjoying it too. Up til now he's been my "supervisor" on all the mechanical work. I'd do it and he'd check it so it's nice to have him envolved. Thanks for the compliments!
So after some insane amounts of brazing, welding, and fiberglass bondo, the doors are complete!! Also the hood and deckild are painted. Sorry about the pictures....

Driver's Door

Hood and Decklid
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