'87/'88 Cutlass vs. Semi

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Talking of semis and blue hairs I nearly got it about a week ago.I was passing a tanker truck and was about his midline when up ahead about 150 yards I saw a car pull out I mashed my little 4 cylinder to the wood and about the time I'm even with the driver door he's already on the brake hard enough to make 18 tires howl :shock: and goes to the shoulder then back behind me and wouldnt you know it its a 80+ yr old lady that just decide to pull out in front of the rolling gas station running 65 mph.A part of me agrees that older people should be retested but I also feel that when I'm an old curmudgeon I'm going to be like piss off I'm 80 years old and I've driven longer than you been walking :rofl:
84cutspreme said:
I don't know how it is where everyone else lives, but in NY...It is a fine mix of ancient people who shouldn't be allowed on the road, crazy soccer moms that should have CPS take their children away from them, and (no offense) people who can't even read or speak English so are inherently horrible drivers.

Wow, that sounds like here.
Senior citizens are driving into buildings almost weekly here in Ocean County NJ now. Just today a 78 year-old woman drove her car through a clock shop.

The other day I was walking through a parking lot and an elderly couple started driving off . . . with their hatch wide open. I yelled for the guy to stop, and when he did I think he had no idea what I was saying, so I went over and shut the hatch for him. As he drove away, or tried to, the car must have revved to 8000 rpm and stood still . . . he had it in park.
in the pics that i seen the other side didnt look that bad,might play like hell trying to get the engine out of it, but the dr door and fender didnt look mangled i wouldnt use a stitch one of the interior though
FE3X CLONE said:
I think once you hit a certain age they should maybe make your license renewal every two years instead of the regular four. Or take a basic driving test, etc.

But then again, I'm sure more people are killed by idiots that drink and drive than by old people on the road and we somehow still let the ones with DUI's drive... :roll:

Spend a few years in Florida, where the average age is 65 and then you will wish everybody was drunk instead of half blind, wacked out on prescription pills, and driving 10 mph under the speed limit..... :roll:
Dont get me wrong, Im not approving of DUI, but the laws in this country are wacked in regards to what is concidered impaired driving. Heck, most people I know drive BETTER after having a few...lol. Just my opinion....
bill said:
Spend a few years in Florida, where the average age is 65 and then you will wish everybody was drunk instead of half blind, wacked out on prescription pills, and driving 10 mph under the speed limit..... :roll:
Dont get me wrong, Im not approving of DUI, but the laws in this country are wacked in regards to what is concidered impaired driving. Heck, most people I know drive BETTER after having a few...lol. Just my opinion....

I know how you feel.
Yikes... What a shame.
There's a bunch of pictures on a link on that page.
Doesn't look like there's a whole lot that's salvageable other than the drivers side grille and headlight, and maybe the reverse lights. The hubcaps look unharmed as well....



✈I understand that this is an old post but looking at the main impact damage on this Cutlass, it was t-boned on the passenger side. Hit by an 18 wheeler on the passenger side and all four wheel covers (hubcaps) are still on the car and shinning like new chrome. Thats Oldsmobile durability for ya!✈
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