Alum hood hinge from a 1978/1980 A body,are they the same as the 1981/87 G body alum hood hinge? Are the hood latches used on the steal hood the same as the alum hood? I know that the hood latch spring is alum hood only as in lighter.Are all the hinges the same, just the springs are lighter on the alum hood? If I can't find hood hing springs from a alum hood what does one do to still be able to use the hood?
1. remove springs
2.Other options
3. Heat factory spring in hopes of lowering spring tension?
4.Use regal type shock set up
5. Hold on to the hood till you find the right springs?
1. remove springs
2.Other options
3. Heat factory spring in hopes of lowering spring tension?
4.Use regal type shock set up
5. Hold on to the hood till you find the right springs?