Hi All
87 Cutlass 3.8
I noticed this clip laying on top of the engine before but never thought anything of it. Time for a tune up and I would like to put it back where it goes but cannot figure out where this green clip is supposed to call home..
One wire goes into a bundle towards the front of the engine behind the alt and the other one runs to the black connector on the top corner of the carb.
any help would be appreciated
87 Cutlass 3.8
I noticed this clip laying on top of the engine before but never thought anything of it. Time for a tune up and I would like to put it back where it goes but cannot figure out where this green clip is supposed to call home..
One wire goes into a bundle towards the front of the engine behind the alt and the other one runs to the black connector on the top corner of the carb.
any help would be appreciated
