t01blaze said:I have a Dual Jet that needs a rebuild that you can have for shipping cost; also the air tubes and an <a skimlinked="skimlinked" href="http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=air+pump" class="skimwords-link" target="_blank" style="color:#0000ff !important; text-decoration: underline !important; " data-skimwords-id="431548" data-skimwords-word="air%20pump" data-group-id="0" data-skim-creative="10203" data-skim-product="0" title="Drop Down Deals available on shop.ebay.com">air pump</a><span style="position: absolute;"></span><span style="position: absolute;"></span> from a 229 you can have. The air tubes are still in the manifolds so they may not come out easily. I can try to take them out this weekend if you want them.
thanks for the respond and thanx to everyone else who responded t01blaze if you can id appreciate it just let me know how much the shipping is to 95204 ill post a pik of whats broke on my car