i have a 1980 olds cutlass Calais and am changing out the switches and relays inside and i am noticing the switches are different than regular g body cars. it took me two months and lots of arguing with salespeople to apprise them of this fact. i just bought the ign switch the other day for a non-tilt column and mine is tilt are they the same? mine is binding up. i installed the horn relay yesterday and went inside for dinner and heard a loud noise the stupid horn was going off so i disconnected the battery and left it. the reason i am fixing all the switches is i had an electrical fire and melted a bunch of wires. while i was testing stuff i hooked a test light to the ground and touched the white wire and all the preinstalled smoke came out i wonder why. this is the wire for the interior light. if anyone needs a shop manual for a 1984 olds let m,e know i have both of them.