Hey all. Today well, technically yesterday at the time of writing this, I got my new Q-Jet from everyday performance (excited) and I scored a "shifted fine when last used" BOP TH350 non lockup out of a '79 T/A with a 403. Now, I plan on doing a filter, pan gasket, fluid and good 'ol degreasing to this trans, but what are your guy's opinions? Any tips or tricks I should/need to know about putting one in a G body with a poopy 200 metric? Never really messed with a transmission before other than installing. Fluid doesn't smell or look funny. Didn't see any chunks. The bracket thing on the side went through all the gears fine. Also toying with getting a higher stall converter. I imagine the stock one wasn't anything over 1500. It's going behind a Buick 350 with unknown power as of now, but I hope to get 'er up over 250hp (smog motor) when I get around to finishing it. Also keeping the column shift from my 200m.