Work has been quiet, so been laying out my plan much for a budget build (I knew that was BS anyway, I want it to be nice)
Please feel free to bump me over if I am on the wrong path anywhere
- Outer rockers for sure, most likely inners as well. On the fence about just buying them or letting my buddy make them. much cheaper on the make 'em
- Pass side need all three patch panels that goodmark makes, the drivers side not sure, have not buzzed it yet with the grinder to see what I am dealing with
- Going to buy both half floor pans, will cut whatever I actually need
- Very solid except of course will need to patch one side of the rear which is no biggie. Its just showing signs but might as well do it now
- Going to buy the notch kit for larger tires while the car is apart
- 454. Solid rebuild, budget ally heads (not procomp), should be at least 600 hp and tq which should be smiles all day. Another member helped me out with header selection and such
- Trans I am mixed on. I HATE autos....but its also the easiest. I have a Ford TKO 600 that will be released from duty when I sell my fox notch, its not too hard adapt to BBC, just pricy
- I might F around with used parts to build the 7.5 for fun, another member helped me with parts selection. Car will not be raced, so F body posi and Gnat axles should last a few Sundays depending on Auto vs Manual vs Tires
- I have a spare 8.8 foxbody rear end in my backyard, and I like a challenge so that is an option as well
- Gnat rear spoiler
- thinking the smooth glass bumpers instead of messing around with mine (my rear is a mess)
- Not sure of hood. I like smooth, I am mixed on the gnat hood (I can get one cheap), the 2" cowl hood is cool but very camaro-ish so not sure
- Wheels, dunno, not a fan of most 4.75 wheels, I will keep looking
- Crown auto Jeep steering shaft, Monte box. I did read about using an F body box and changing the valve in the power steering pump, this is a thing?
- Basic rebuild of the front end, new stuff
- Control arms is where I am mixed. You can get new lower allstar for pretty cheap, then add poly bushings because why not, but pretty soon a tubular kit isnt looking so bad price wise. Thoughts???
I am sure I am missing a ton...but I don't want to turn a wrench without a solid plan (guideline I mean, we knows plans change)