this is not mine but it looks similar.
when it rains and my 86 monte has been sitting ,the rear brakes lock up violently for the 1st couple of low speed stops.its been doing this for about a year now.ive replaced just about everything except the proportioning valve which is still stock.i did not really suspect this because this only happens if its been sitting and it rains.for the life of me I cant explain this.
I think I would break every hose going into this trying to remove them.
is there any way of safely just removing the large hex fittings to look if there is anything funny going on inside?
the brake light is not on so I assume its sitting in the right position.there is a pin sticking out of the left side just like the pic.I can pull it out with piliers and it seems to go back to where it was but it doesn't seem to want to go inward.
is there any way this valve could be causing my problems?
is there any way to test it?