Uh, make that I HAD a set of spindles coming... Got the tracking alert this afternoon that the package was delivered... Got home from work, no package!! I asked my next door neighbor who is a garbage man who gets home fairly early if he remembers seeing a package on my doorstep but he said there wasn't one when he got home. Next neighbor over has 2 cameras but they're not home so when I see them next I'll ask them to look at their camera footage.
They were sent USPS Priority Mail and the USPS doesn't give 2 rips about delivering anything correctly around here (I've hand delivered USPS packages incorrectly left on my doorstep to their rightful owners many times) so I'm holding out hope that this is the case with my package and I'll see it soon. However package thefts are super rampant lately so who knows. Which is why I really want to see the camera footage, to see if the mailman actually went to my door or not, and if so, who took the package!!
Good luck, had the same thing happen to me when I first moved into my duplex. USPS marked it delivered and stuck to that it was delivered, when in the very short time I was there we had received 2 packages for other houses on mine or my tenants doorstep. My tenant ran them down to the correct place but I was not as lucky. Sorry to hear about the bad luck, hope the camera comes in handy