I've bought cars/parts long distances before. All but one, I drove home...with a chase car behind me! Communication is key!! With todays technology, Sellers should be able to record a video....then upload to YouTube. That's the best thing, aside from actually being there in person. Any "trouble" area (s), make sure seller focuses on those areas.
My wife and I, love car hunting....and NOT scared of buying long distances. Just plan and go for it!
The 1 time I didn't drive, the brakes went to the floor on the 70 Monte. I just handed over the cash and got paperworks. At that time, my wife, didn't have her license. It was either my wife or myself, who was going to drive the Monte.....and the other drive the chase car....our vice versa! Ended up getting it towed...and the seller knocked of $300 for towing.
One (only) bad experience, was when I drove to NJ to get a78 or 79 Malibu. I got the seller way down to $600...on the way just talking away. 4hrs later, we finally get there. Seller runs out the door with paperwork in hand. My wifes brother and myself stupid self, are playing around (looking for bad) knowing the car was a steal.....just to get it for less AGAIN. I even used his bathroom. Just as I was going to hand Over the cash, a car comes flying towards us. It was the father! "If this car leaves this driveway, I'm calling the cops!" he says. They end up arguing in front the house. Meanwhile, his sister comes out telling, "He only wants to sell the car, for heroin!" I'm pissed.....and ready to take the car home with me. My wife and her brother, insisted I don't take the car. Needless to say, we drove the long journey back home......WITHOUT THE SUPPOSED PURCHASEBU!!