I ask this as a serious question. Is it possible to stop the crisis we are about to experience? I tend to believe that what we are seeing now is only the birth pangs of a much greater problem. We are not spending $700 billion to try to avoid a total meltdown. Oh no. By many accounts it is between 4 and 8 trillion dollars. That is 80% of the old national debt that took us 50 years to accumulate. My problem is where is the money coming from, and what does that mean for the value of the Dollar? If the government is just printing money then would we not go into a period of high inflation or even hyperinflation? Can it be avoided, or do we already have too much debt to ever be able to repay it? Put the partisan politics aside and think about what we very well could face in the next 6-18 months if the wrong steps are taken. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue, it will greatly affect all of us no matter who we vote for. If the worst really is about to happen, we need to take steps now to prepare for it. I hope I am wrong and it all works out, but I just have this awful feeling that it won't. So, what do you think?