This is where I'm glad to be (in my opinion) what has become a rarity to be a 33 year old that has my own house, 3 kids, and have held my job at Cummins for 15 years now. I know how to spell and speak reasonably well despite being somewhat of a redneck. My kids know the real values in life and how to work for what they want and my oldest is 13 and has absolutely no desire for a smart phone or any of that nonsense. With the world, or at least the western world, imploding into whatever social topic of the day that happens to sound like a good idea to some it at least gives me hope that there are more like me and others even in older generations that can at least keep kids straight. I agree that it seems like nobody can do their jobs correctly anymore, or even put in an ounce of effort, and think they deserve life changing awards for doing so. Probably goes back to what others have said about "everyone gets a trophy" kind of thinking that has been put into kids heads anymore that no matter how big a screw up they are the world will still coddle them with a pat on the back. I'm a firm believer that if you're a screw up you deserve what you get and it will teach you to try harder the next time around. That's how you build a good society. Rant over, sorry to hijack the thread. In other news glad you found your package, and Mike hopefully your oldest is okay and fully recovers from others stupidity.