CALI-WAGON_09 said:
Yep I have the same problem with the peddle too, and yes after i drive a little while 30mins or so then have to restart it is hesitant to start. When the car is cold fires right up also yesterday went to the store(down the street) at a slow cruise when it shifted to second it started backfired lol

is that about?????
When you state "hesitant to start" do you mean slow cranking speed? If so that could be high resistance in your cables, or starter heat soak. If your cranking speed is fine, if you tap the gas before cranking the warm or hot engine does it start right up as it would when cold?
For the carb / fuel delivery do you have this stumble with the vehicle in park? While in park idling and you rev it, do you have the stumble right off idle? Have you cracked the throttle open by hand, or had a buddy press down on the gas pedal and observed the fuel flow while running?
Have you tried, as a test, running the engine w/o the filter and took it around the block and saw what happened? While the filter may be new it could be a restriction. But I think the 750 is too big for the engine and think it'll be happier with a 600, maybe even a 500cfm? Remember the Edlebrocks have pretty good sized primaries, and along with the nice-sized jets you may be getting too much fuel. And you're only going to be able to "lean" it so much and leaning too much will cause other problems.
But I would fix that vacuum leak first, especially if it's carb / intake related.