Clips and retainers part number list

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Jan 16, 2012
I need help finding a partnumber/picture break down of all the clips and retaianers such as door lock rod clips, door panel retainers, I have done searches here and asume I am not putting in the correct key words and chiltons is a wash. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
outlawrcbb said:
I need help finding a partnumber/picture break down of all the clips and retaianers

If you're asking for a list of all partnumbers and/or pictures, I don't think you'll find one. If you're looking for a particular clip or fastener, you could try looking at, or at General Motors Clips and Fasteners.
Good luck! I've been looking for the chrome side molding clips for the 1978-80 Pontiac Grand Am's with no luck!


I meant to say: Do a web search of "General Motors Clips and Fasteners".
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