I tried using the resistor years back to think the TPS was in place with a 700R4 to activate the lockout on an '84 Pontiac wagon that I switched to a non computer Quadrajet. No go, didn't work. It's the same deal with the TH350C I want to use with the '79 Olds 350 I'm going to put in my LeMans eventually. I want to use this transmission as I know it worked well when I pulled it from an '84 Cutlass rather than use another transmission I'll know nothing about. I'm just accepting that I won't be able to utilize the lockout TC feature on it, which in all honesty wasn't the greatest thing anyway. Most cars of this era I drove that had it, the thing seemed to hunt in and out of lockup a lot which is annoying. Seems that when one or more of those needed CCC sensors would start going, the lockout TC would get really confused :?