crazy idea

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G-Body Guru
Aug 10, 2008
As I posted in another part of this site, I mentioned I might be getting a 87 cutty as a donor for my 82 regal. I will have just the body shell left when I am done so here is what I plan to do.

Chop the top maybe 3 inches. It is going for scrap anyway. I figure it would be good practice and if I document everything on how I do it and it comes out perfect I can do it on the Regal.

I plan on taking the roof off for starters. I will then drop the windshield back a little, not sure how many degrees I need to go at this point. I can then cut the roof according to how much I laid the windshield back, weld it all back together and call it done.

Anyone try this or have any sites to learn how to do it? Any information at all??

<a href=" swanson/benfrank69/letsdoit-1.jpg?o=4" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a>
Don't have any help, sorry.
I have seen a couple chop-top G bodies so it has been and can be done.
It's an awful lot of work, I'll tell you that much.

A buddy and I chopped the roof on a donated 2-door '94 Grand Am about 4 inches when we were going through auto body school. We didn't have any projects to bring in at the time, so we dicked around with that for a little bit as a project to keep us entertained. We cut the roof into six sections, one for each post, and lowered them accordingly. We got it all tacked together and sent it out to the junk lot cause we both got other projects to work on. I think I have a picture or two laying around somewhere.

I say give it a shot!
Blake442 said:
It's an awful lot of work, I'll tell you that much.

A buddy and I chopped the roof on a donated 2-door '94 Grand Am about 4 inches when we were going through auto body school. We didn't have any projects to bring in at the time, so we dicked around with that for a little bit as a project to keep us entertained. We cut the roof into six sections, one for each post, and lowered them accordingly. We got it all tacked together and sent it out to the junk lot cause we both got other projects to work on. I think I have a picture or two laying around somewhere.

I say give it a shot!

That's why I figure I will try it. I got nothing to do either.
since g bodies have a somewhat flat roof, its not that tough to do, but you will have to cut the roof in peices and put filler strips in it in all directions, so, lot sof welding and tons fo chance to warp it. Take time, and post pics, Ive done a few chops so if you need any tips, send me a pm!
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