Ok so i figured id share a story with you guys of something that happened yesterday. My wife and i were out in the yard taking pictures of my beetle that i have for sale to send to an interested party. We hear yelling and look up to see the neighbor lady (22-25 yrs old) yelling and cussing and beating her dog away from her car, she is putting her kids in the car to leave. This dog had been tied up on my property (a month) because she didnt have room, until saturday when i had to mow and had had enough. We know the landlord and he has said that we can do what we need to do so i pulled the screw tie down out of the ground and walked over to the ladys own area and tied the dog to a tree. No big deal right??????? Its her dog and it needs to be on her property right??????? WRONG aparently. She unties the dog from the tree and then heads toward my property to put the screw back in the ground. When my wife asks her not to tie the dog up on our property anymore she went absolutly nuts. She yelled at the top of her lungs that it wasnt our god d###ed property and that she doesnt have anywhere else to put it. When my wife tried to explain that a dog tied up on the property line with a 14ft leash can go a long way onto our property she went nuts again saying that she was going to beat my wifes face in and calling her a c##t and a wh*re, and a b###h. So all the while im on the phone with the police because ive heared enough. In the meantime the lady walkes across our property with the dog tie down in hand screaming that she doesnt have to get off our property when my wife told her to get off. My wife of course threw in some really good remarks as she is calling my wife all this when she has three kids from multiple guys and her current man is in jail..... Real winner here folks... So after her acting like a 12yr old for every bit of 10 to 15 minutes she walked back to her rented space and tied the dog up and took off. Did i mention that all this was done in front of her kids??????????? Complete nut job, so a fence is going to the top of my list as well as a .45mm What kind of people do we have in this country?