Well I drove two hours Saturday to go look at a nine inch housing and drive two hours back home. Found a g body bare nine inch ford rearend hosing for sale on Craigslist. Talked to the seller and he said 150 dollars and it's a bear housing. Thought it was a good deal so I went after it. When I got there and looked at it, some things didn't jive with me. He said it came out of a older stock car. I asked were the rest of the parts went. He said the previous owner sold everything but the housing. When I looked over the axle tubes, the tubing was pretty thin wall steel. The one tube had a weld all the way down the tube. There was grind marks all over the tubes. The welds for the bearing flanges did not look professional, and the spring perches were missing. The seller said it was a sks rearend. For two hundred dollars more I can get a quick performance rearend housing I know is good. All in all I was bummed, but happy I could walk away. I think I made the right choice. What do you guy's think?