Disgruntled Employees

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I'd be happy if I was given beer on my lunch break :shock: .

But.........I can see their point, taking their beer away is kind of a shitty thing to do. But I can see the employers point as well...... :lol:
a deal is a deal and if you dont stand behind your word then what good are you? i can see their point and agree with it. it's not the end of the world if they dont get beer outside of their lunch break but there is a principle involved, if you allow an employer to get away with X (whatever it may be) what makes you think they wont try it again in the future over something else? the more you allow it, the more they'll do it. you know the old saying, give them an inch and they'll take a mile? that applies here.

angry employees make for less productive employees. it's in a company's best interests to keep their employees happy. not sure why they decided to take the beer away. beer and wine is to europe what soft drinks, cokes, pop, etc is to america. they'll have it with breakfast lunch and dinner. yes breakfast, at least in some countries.
Beer and work don't seem like a good combo. Especially 3 per day. Probably a good idea to stop it. They might lose some employees at first but they'll come around. But, I do think they should compensate them in other ways. Maybe with a small raise.
It could be some took advantage of it and then I'd be thinking the insurance policy would be quite expensive if employees including drivers were permitted to drink on the job....
lol...i saw that, hey id be pissed too, THEYRE SLASHING BENEFITS!!! Its not like on family guy when peters working at a beer factory and they tell him to drink responsibly, they come back 5 minutes later and hes butt *ss naked hammered
One question I have is..... If it is possible to be a disgruntled employee, can you be a gruntled employee?
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