Ok bear with me on this, this is my first post and i need some help. I have a 1988 Monte ss and for a while I have had a one wire lock up wired up to lock the torque converter. Well it worked fine but I wanted to add a switch to turn it off when in town. So today I unhook my hot wire and add the switch. The hot wire is the purple wire off the brake pedal switch it ran through a vacuum switch and right to the trans. Today after the switch was installed I turned the key on and the switch lit up. I turned it off and pop something blew. The tach and volt guage do not work. The fuse for the guages blew and now the ign terminals in the fuse box have no power. I replaced the Guage fuse and all guages with the exeption of the volt and tach work. Does anyone know where to find a fuseable link that i may have fried? And I did check all fuses to make sure they were good. The car runs and everything works but the tach and volt guage, the cruise wont work because there is no power to the brake pedal switch. It gets its power from the ign terminals in the fuse box. Any help would be great its my wifes car and she is pi$$ed.