hmmm, that get me thinking. Back about 2 years ago I had a friend who had Linux Disk that would run Linux right off the CD. Then he gathered up 3 PC's from the last office upgrade I did ( IBM PC325 P2's from 2000 or so ) , upgraded the HD's to used 40Gig units and had them running a network and hosting a website with those machines.
I wonder what ever came of that ? I know at some time "virtual" HD and webhosting space was cheaper than the cost of Hyrdo to run the PC's.
I know he showed me a linux webbrowser and it working quite well on those tired old machines but he was having trouble finding table structures for saving data for his websites design.
I wonder what ever came of that ? I know at some time "virtual" HD and webhosting space was cheaper than the cost of Hyrdo to run the PC's.
I know he showed me a linux webbrowser and it working quite well on those tired old machines but he was having trouble finding table structures for saving data for his websites design.