They're right if you can get a nut welded to that broken bolt most likely it will come out easily. Otherwise you have one other option go to home depot and buy a map gas and oxygen torch, it uses 2 bottles and is really simple to use. Start it up just with the map gas valve open then slowly open the oxygen and keep opening both a little at a time and it will produce a very hot flame, not as hot as acetylene but still pretty damn hot, Ive cut metal with it. Get that bolt glowing red I mean real hot, just don't cut it. Then try a stud remover, vice grips, pipe wrench, etc. Best thing ot do is get it real hot with the torch to where it really glows then weld the nut to it. My exhaust guy does that with manifold studs and header bolts all the time its about 98% successful. Otherwise if you have mild mechanical experience you can pull a cylinder head. You disconnect everything attached to the carburetor, drain the antifreeze, rotate the engine to top dead center (the rotor in the distributor cap will be lined up with the post that the #1 spark plug wire is attached to), then take the distributor out, after that unbolt the intake manifold, it maybe stuck to the block so tap it with a mallet a few times or put a screw driver between where the intake meets the block by the oil fill tube and twist it usually doesn't take much effort. Then take your valve cover off, unbolt the rocker arms making sure you keep them together and in order, then take out the push rods in order, then start taking the head bolts out, then lift the 58lb head off lol. A good shop manual will also help but that should get you going. Good luck man.