A while ago, I posted about having my straights put on with glass packs, Heres what happened, It was touching the body of the car, I went back and had them look at it. It was explained that the pipes were hitting because i chose to have mufflers put on at the last second which was true thus they had already cut, welded, bent the pipes for a car that was not running mufflers. Heres the thing, I had spring spacers put in to give me a 2 inch lift which worked great, no more banging around. Problem was now a month later the problem started again, I just looked under my car and sure enough they fell off. So what are some really good heavy duty springs that will not compress much, as i need some so my exhaust wont hit on the body, its not the shops fault, its mine and I dont feel like spending money to get it fixed, id rather just get good springs anyway ones that are more rigid and not springy??