name different car, that is one thing ill never step back into is a front wheel drive car. They are awkward feeling cars specially when you hit ice lol. The impala may still be alive today but at least in my opinion they are one ugly POS, I especially love how common they are on the road too. They have become the modern day caviliers rollin around. So has Grand Prix too though. I think ill have to look out for a 96 then in around 2 years. Ill be spending it seems between 6 to 8K though. I guess I could blow my better part of a loan on something worse though. With my bachelors degree I might have an ok job by then anyway. I really appreciate the help ya guys have given me here.
name different car, that is one thing ill never step back into is a front wheel drive car. They are awkward feeling cars specially when you hit ice lol. The impala may still be alive today but at least in my opinion they are one ugly POS, I especially love how common they are on the road too. They have become the modern day caviliers rollin around. So has Grand Prix too though. I think ill have to look out for a 96 then in around 2 years. Ill be spending it seems between 6 to 8K though. I guess I could blow my better part of a loan on something worse though. With my bachelors degree I might have an ok job by then anyway. I really appreciate the help ya guys have given me here.